Those of you who are familiar with my work will know that found images combined with vibrant colour and pattern are at its core. In the collage below, a courting couple find themselves in the middle of a whilwind of colour, oblivious to the presence of flying fruits and a somewhat menacing outsize duck.
Through the years, I have accumulated a collection of ephemera that provides me with reference material and inspiration. My collection is made up of whatever catches my eye and includes postcards and letters, family photos, dictionaries and encyclopaedias, maps, women’s and nature magazines, sewing patterns, stamps and cigarette picture cards. I love the faded colours, typefaces and textures of the bygone printed world, full to bursting with odd things that I know will find their way into a piece of work one day – maybe not today or tomorrow but eventually…

Would you like to use vintage images in your own artwork?
Recently I decided to share some of my treasure trove and so I developed two different collage kits that can be used by anyone who would like to use vintage imagery in their artwork, scrapbooking or greeting cards. One of the kits is inspired by flora and fauna and the other by machinery. They both include printouts of lovely drawings from an 18th century Arts and Science Encyclopaedia and of period postcards, pages from illustrated Larousse dictionaries, bits of wallpaper and more. Below you can see some of the papers that are included in the collage kits:

And here you can see a couple of examples of collages made using images from the kits. You will find more inspiration on my instagram feed and stories. I love seeing how other people use my creative kits, given that we all come up with different combinations even when using the same materials!

The collage kits are available from the shop and cost £20 each including UK P&P. They are perfect for artists, crafters and scrapbookers, as well as making very good presents for arty friends!
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Gabriela Szulman
My work is often humorous and whimsical – unless my romantic side takes over and then we enter into a fairy-tale territory of old-fashioned script, pages of books and music scores populated by chivalrous gentlemen, glamorous ladies, butterflies and rabbits. Read more…
Would you like to explore your creative side? I use the wonderful techniques of decoupage and collage in much of my work, and now I can teach you how to create your very own masterpieces! Read more…